A FIFA, através da sua Circular no. 1419 de Maio 2014, publicou as alterações às Leis do Jogo 2014/2015, para entrarem em vigor a 1 junho de 2014.

LEI IV - O equipamento dos jogadores
(na edição da FPF de 2013/2014, pág. 69)
After a two-year pilot, there is no indication as to why the wearing of head covers should be prohibited, as long as their design restrictions are respected as defined in the pilot. Furthermore, the male football community also raised the need for male players to be permitted to wear head covers, as it was considered discriminative.
LEI IV - O equipamento dos jogadores
(na edição da FPF de 2013/2014, pág. 23)Justificação:
Currently, what a player can reveal on any item of basic compulsory equipment is different to what he can on an undergarment, i.e. he cannot reveal a personal statement or image on his outer jersey but he can on his undershirt. This amendment seeks to outline a consistent approach to both the outer jersey and all types of undergarment. There is also an opportunity to introduce an improved structure to this section, i.e. the first two bullet points refer to the outer shirt (basic compulsory equipment) and bullet points 3 and 4 refer to undergarments.
E ainda,
Use of cameras and/or microphones by referees for broadcasting purposes.
In addition to the above amendments, on behalf of The IFAB, we would like to also inform you of its position on the use of audio and video from microphones and/or cameras worn by referees during matches. Subsequent to a number of incidents in wh ich either microphones and/or cameras with a microphone were used by match officials, this topic was brought to the attention of The IFAB and discussed at its most recent Annual Business Meeting (ABM), which took place on 24 October 2013.
While we understand that the Laws of the Game do not specifically detail the equipment of referees (although this might be included in the Laws in the near future), we would like to reiterate that such additional equipment is not permitted at this point in time.