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The referee indicates that there is no additional time. What action should the fourth official take?
W) He indicates "0" on the board.
S) He should inform the match commissioner.
S) He should report it to the appropriate authorities.
W) He should do nothing.
According to Law 10 a goal is scored when the ball has fully crossed the goal line between the posts and below the crossbar unless:
I) The scoring team has infringed the Laws of the Game immediately prior to scoring the goal
A) The goal is scored by a player in his own goal during the taking of a direct free kick.
T) The ball comes from a free kick.
E) Answers A and B are correct.
A defender starts holding an attacker outside the penalty area but stops holding just inside the penalty area. What decision should the referee make?
M) The referee awards a penalty kick.
O) The referee awards a direct free kick as the action of holding started outside the penalty area.
H) The referee awards an indirect free kick inside the penalty area.
C) Play continues.
An attacker with an obvious goal scoring opportunity heads the ball. At this moment his shirt is pulled by an opponent. The referee applies advantage. The ball is passed directly to a team-mate who scores a goal. What decision should the referee make?
U) The referee allows the goal and does not take any disciplinary action.
A) The referee disallows the goal, cautions the opponent for preventing the attacker gaining possession of the ball by holding on to his shirt and awards a direct free kick or penalty kick.
B) The referee allows the goal and cautions the opponent for unsporting behaviour.
Y) The answers B and C are correct.
What action should the referee take if, upon taking a free kick, a player starts to move or gesticulate, in order to distract an opponent?
L) He does not take any action, as long as the player in question keeps at the statutory distance and does not impede the ball being put into play.
D) Awards an indirect free-kick and cautions the player in question for unsporting behaviour.
L) Cautions the player in question for unsporting behaviour.
K) He does not take any action, because the Laws of the Game do not indicate anything regarding this.
How many referees are currently belonging to the highest UEFA referee group, the Elite group?
H) 19 referees.
G) 20 referees.
C) 21 referees.
E) 22 referees.
Which active assistant referee has, according to the amount of matches he was involved in (51), the biggest Champions League experience?
Y) Jan-Hendrik Salver (GER)
N) Jesús Calvo Guadamuro (ESP)
T) Bertino Cunha Miranda (POR)
B) Mike Mullarkey (ENG)
Which of the following match officials attended NO UEFA mini-tournament in his career so far (U-17, U-19, U-21)?
M) Craig Thomson (referee SCO)
W) Gregor Rojko (assistant, SVN)
F) Wolfgang Stark (referee, GER)
P) Joel De Bruyn (assistant, BEL)
Which nation has to wait for a Champions League final referee for the longest period of time?
I) Italy
G) Germany
S) Spain
E) England
Which two Elite referees celebrate their birthday on the same date?
R) Felix Brych (GER) and William Collum (SCO)
N) Jonas Eriksson (SWE) and Björn Kuipers (NED)
F) Alberto Undiano (ESP) and Howard Webb (ENG)
A) Pavel Královec (CZE) and Gianluca Rocchi (ITA)
Which assistant referee already ran the lines at World Cup 2002 and is still active in Europa League this season?
I) Henrik Sönderby (DEN)
S) Eric Dansault (FRA)
A) Maciej Wierzbowski (POL)
U) Sigurdur Thorleifsson (ISL)
Which of the following UEFA referee committee members never took charge of a European final as an active referee?
L) David Elleray (ENG)
N) Bo Karlsson (SWE)
S) Herbert Fandel (GER)
E) Marc Batta (FRA)
Fonte: http://footballrefereeing.blogspot.pt.
* Que observa com atenção, atento. Que revela agudeza de espírito e rapidez de compreensão, perspicaz. Cumpridor. Crítico, censor. Que assiste, espetador. (Do latim "observatóre", «id.»). Fonte: www.infopedia.pt
Por aqui e por ali ...

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sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013
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Curso da FIFA/UEFA
Pelo quarto ano consecutivo, João Dias volta a participar no Curso da FIFA/UEFA, que decorre até sábado em Limassol (Chipre).
O seminário, intitulado “Refereeing Assistance Programme (RAP 4)”, destina-se aos responsáveis nacionais dos instrutores técnicos e preparadores físicos das federações de futebol associadas à UEFA e tem como principais objetivos uniformizar a organização dos testes físicos da FIFA e processamento dos resultados para fornecer feedback individual aos árbitros.
A ação visa ainda acompanhar/analisar o trabalho diário dos árbitros (através de monitores de frequência cardíaca), fornecer apoio científico em matéria de formação do desempenho, aumentar a qualidade da formação e uniformizar o material didático e metodologias de treino para árbitros de futebol (vertentes física, técnica de arbitragem e mental).
O programa do curso é composto por testes de aptidão prática, sessões de formação prática e apresentações individuais e de grupo. Serão ainda uniformizados os procedimentos a adotar pelos trios de arbitragem que fazem parte do lote de “elegíveis” para o Campeonato do Mundo do próximo ano (no Brasil), numa última fase de seleção onde está incluído o trio português composto por Pedro Proença, Bertino Miranda e Tiago Trigo.
Para além de João Dias vão ainda estar presentes neste seminário como instrutores técnicos Vítor Pereira e Nuno Castro, respetivamente presidente e vice-presidente do Conselho de Arbitragem da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol.
Fonte: Noticia de hoje do jornal "As Beiras".
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