Referees urged to set standards.
A UEFA publicou hoje um conjunto de informação, em inglês, sobre o que está em discussão no seu curso de verão de árbitros e árbitros assistentes, que se está a realizar na Suiça.
UEFA's chief refereeing officer Pierluigi Collina |
Algumas ideias chave:
referees and assistants have been urged to set the highest standards in performance and image
Pierluigi Collina insisted on the need for referees to be able to cope with the physical demands of the modern-day elite game. "It is important to be an athlete – and a referee or assistant referee is definitely an athlete," he said. "If you are not an athlete, you cannot deal with a match, given the speed and intensity of matches that are played today
"You also have to look like an athlete." Collina added about the training and dietary necessities that referees have to adhere to. "It is more and more difficult to see the difference between a player and a referee on the field. This is what we want to achieve."
Collina also reminded the match officials of the importance of their responsibilities as UEFA representatives at matches. "You are on duty, not visiting a city as a tourist," he said. Collina emphasised the need for match officials to take care with how they comported themselves in a world where people were able to send photos and comments around the world at the push of a button, and to avoid situations which could lead to negative or erroneous press coverage.
"We cannot always say that everything goes well," he reflected. "And when something doesn't go well, it is better to speak and find a reason to get back to the standards that you are ready to offer. The overall impression is good, but we must continually seek improvement."
The importance of effective teamwork between referees and their assistants was highlighted.
Decorreram também em paralelo às sessões teóricas os testes físicos (conforme imagem anexa):
Reparem no pormenor do local onde está o sol.... |
Fonte: http://www.uefa.com
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