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sábado, 11 de julho de 2009

Are leaders born or bred?


Algumas ideias chave, anotadas ao "correr da pena" durante um seminário sobre Leadership, a que tive o prazer de assistir a semana passada em Lisboa:
  • O Leader alinha e mobiliza
  • Gerir - Gerem-se coisas
  • Liderar - Lideram-se pessoas

Segundo James Hunter, existem sete Fontes de Poder. Numa tradução livre do inglês, as 7 Fontes do Poder são:
  1. Especialista (poder da competência)
  2. Remuneratório (poder monetário)
  3. Legitimado (hierarquia de uma empresa, por ex)
  4. Imagem/Referência (carisma)
  5. Coercivo (penalizador)
  6. Informação (saber)
  7. Ligações ("cunhas"/familiares)

Are Leaders Born or Bred?

Este é o título de um artigo escrito por Amin Rajan, um dos maiores especialistas mundiais em Leadership, consultor e autor de inúmeros livros e artigos sobre o tema, ou com ele relacionado.
Apresento de seguida um pequeno resumo desse texto.

«Since Aristotle, this question has dominated the debate on how to develop leaders. Based on structured interviews with 50 prominent leaders, Leading People came to two conclusions.

FIRST, leadership is not a divine gift for the blessed few. It is an art that can be learnt by many. So, leaders are born first... and then bred. Genetic endowment may be a factor. But leadership attributes are unquestionably influenced by number of forces in a individual´s lifetime. Furthermore, the forces in adulthood are just as important as in childhood.

Underlying this argument is a view that the potential to lead is far more prevalent. Yet everyone cannot be a leader. Some may not possess enough skills or emotional strength. Some may do so, but lack te necessary motivation. Some may have the ability and will, but lack the necessary opportunities. Hence, the rarity of leadership is a mater of:
  • negotiated development, rather then a dearth of unique talents
  • special situations, rather than pre-ordained paths.

SECOND, according to the leaders interviwed, there are five myths wich need to be exposed:
  1. Leadership is a rare skill. Everyone has leadership potential, just as everyone has some ability at running and acting. The skill is possessed by a majority but used by a minority.
  2. Leaders are born, not made. Major capacities of leadership can be learnt, if the basic desire to learn is there. They can be taught to everyone and denied to no one.
  3. Leaders are charismatic. Some are, most are not. also, charisma is the result of effective leadership, not the other way round.
  4. Leadership exists only at the top of an organisation. The larger the organisation, the more leadership roles it is likely to have at all levels.
  5. The leader controls, directs and manipulates. In today´s business, leadership is about aligning the organisation´s energies behind the agreed goals. The more powerful a leader, the more powerless s/he is.»

Alguns sites a consultar:
  • http://www.speakers.co.uk/csaWeb/speaker,AMIRAJ
  • http://www.windsorleadershiptrust.org.uk/en/1/arajan.html


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